It is critical that the Denver Police Department have the most advanced crime-fighting equipment and training. We will support pilot programs and leverage other resources to help the Department remain innovative.
Advance Innovative Technology & Training

VirTra V 300 Training Simulator
Funding for this 300-degree simulator provides training on a variety of scenarios officers may be faced with daily. The simulator provides for interactive de-escalation techniques, less-lethal activities and “shoot-don’t shoot” training. One to four officers can be in a simulation at a time. The Simulator has also been used to educate civilians, city officials and media personnel to demonstrate the kinds of situations officers are faced with to aid in the understanding of officer decision-making.

High Activity Location Observation (HALO) Cameras
High Activity Location Observation (HALO) cameras allow immediate response to incidents and video recordings of crimes. The HALO program also works with the Denver School District, the Colorado Department of Transportation and the Regional Transportation District to incorporate all the organizations’ cameras for maximum coverage.